Swami goes Techie

Here i would share my insights on technologies.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Expression Trees in .Net 3.5 Framework (Basics)


Expression Trees  - What's this ?

Will begin the post by trying to explain whats Expression Tree is all about and at the end of the post will try to explain why we need this.

In general, Expression Trees are basic tree structure which helps to represent any algebraic expression(Binary expressions – x < y). Usually with single root node with clusters of sub-nodes and ending with leaf nodes.

.Net 3.5 framework introduced this Expression Trees (Visual Studio 2008), helps translating executable code {or} Represent language-level( c# )code in the form of data, and visualize in a tree-like format.

Expression Trees – A Data Structure

Yes, in simple words Expression Trees are Data structure, which helps to store executable code blocks. An executable code could be any code  block containing expressions of type delegate.

for ex.)   Func<int, int, int> function = (a,b) => a + b;

here (a,b) => a + b is the executable code (an lambda expression) which is of a delegate type Func.

Creating an Expression Tree

Expression is an abstract  class present in System.Linq.Expressions namespace.

a simple expression object initialization will look as below,

Expression<Func<int, int, int>> expression = (a,b) => a + b;

in the above code, we have created an expression instance of delegate type and refers to an executable code block( in this case a lambda expression “ (a,b) => a + b” )

Viewing an Expression Tree

Once we have created an expression instance as above, it can be visualized using a ExpressionTreeVisualizer( a free add-on available in MSDN –Linq samples). After the installation of this add on, in the debug mode while we perform a mouse hover on the expression instance variable we get an magnifier icon similar to the one shown below,


on clicking the image, we can view the complete executable code that we mapped in the form of a tree.


Body: Retrieve the body of the expression.

Parameters: Retrieve the parameters of the lambda expression.

NodeType: Gets the Expression Type for some node in the tree. Like (<), (>), those that add values together (+), Lambda etc.

Type: Gets the static type of the expression. In this case, the expression is of type Func<int, int, int>.

What’s the need for Expression Trees ?

Yes, i am able to sense the restless in each one of you, as to why we need such a data structure and what i am trying to demonstrate in this post. I hope the following advantages i am listing will do some justice to the need for Expression trees.


1.  Expression Tree –DOM:-  it has its own DOM, with which we can traverse any of the tree node and retrieve data that we require.

BinaryExpression body = (BinaryExpression)expression.Body;

ParameterExpression left = (ParameterExpression)body.Left;

2.  Expression Tree – Compilation:- converting data back into code, (i.e) once we have mapped the executable code block to an Expression instance,  then we can just make use of the Compile method of the Expression class to execute the code block. below code we are compiling the same expression that we created above initially in the post.

int result = expression.Compile()(3, 5);


3.  Expression Trees in LINQ:- Language Integrated Query, with the introduction of LINQ, the need for Expression Trees data structure became inevitable. To understand this, we should get back to the basics of LINQ to SQL.

Consider the following LINQ query,

var query = from c in db.Customers

                    where c.City == "Nantes" select new { c.City, c.CompanyName };

though the query is written in c# editor, the linq query is not directly complied into binaries by the c# compiler and sent to the SQL Server process to retrieve the data (because for the sql server to interpret the binaries and respond with result is non-sense).

So, the ideal think to do, is to convert the above linq into its equivalent string query and send across the wire to the SQL server process, so that it can interpret and respond with the desired result.

If so, then how to generate the best, efficient and equivalent string query ? this question lead to the invention of the Expression Tree Data structure, along with the effective built-in algo to convert the data structure into its equivalent string representations (in case of Linq to SQL).

If you drill into the type definition  of the above linq query, you will notice that the query returns a IQueryable  type and whose definition in turn looks as below,

public interface IQueryable : IEnumerable


Type ElementType { get; }

Expression Expression { get; }

IQueryProvider Provider { get; }


So now its apparent that whatever Linq to SQL query we write, it gets stored in the Expression data member of the IQueryable  type, then the in-built algo of Linq to SQL is intelligent enough to generate the best equivalent sql query string by parsing through the data structure and send it across to the sql server process.

Hence with the above advantage what i have explained (one of the in-built implementation of Expression Trees), i am sure we developers have the freedom to improvise and make use of Expression Trees in best possible ways as demanded by our application.

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Saturday, October 03, 2009

Extension Methods in .Net

A New Feature of .Net:

As we all know, every release of .Net framework carries with it, a greater list of new features and functionalities which makes coding easier and impressive though. Here in this post i would like to brief about the  feature, popularly known as Extension methods.

Extension Methods:

Earlier when we wanted to add some new features to an existing class, we usually end up creating custom classes and then write custom methods to achieve the desired functionality. Though in many places implementing custom classes is inevitable and unavoidable, there are scenarios where we can avoid them by simple using this new feature called Extension methods.

Short and Simple:

KISS, As one of the famous  mantras of coding -Keep It Short and Simple, extension methods of .Net  does the same. Yes, they are very simple to implement and very clean to use.

For ex..) we are all familiar with the DateTime structure of c# –(Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day). Assume that we have a requirement where, we need to show up date in English(Culture – en-US)at many places in the application. If so, we can create a extension method to the DateTime object and use it as similar to any other method of the  DateTime object.



1. Extension methods are to be part of a static class.

2. Extension methods are defined as static methods but are called by using instance method syntax.

3. The first parameter of the method, specifies, on which type the method operates on (in our case its the DateTime type) and the parameter holds this keyword as its successor /modifier.

4. There could be additional parameters provided based on the functionality required for the implementation.

Pseudo code- creating Extension methods

public static class DateFormatter
        public static string ToEnglishDate(this DateTime obj)
            CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
            return obj.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy", culture);

Pseudo code- calling Extension methods

DateTime time = DateTime.Now;



In the above pseudo code block if you observe carefully, the extension method ToEnglishDate is being added to the DateTime type and is accessed as natively as we access the other methods and properties of the DateTime structure.

I hope this post added some value in introducing a simple but a very impressive feature of .Net framework, so lets start using them extensively and enjoy – Happy Coding.

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